Tantra massage
for men
In today's society, expectations and pressure to perform not only affect the professional sphere,
but have also long since arrived in private life.
Switching off, feeling oneself and finding inner peace is therefore not always easy.
Especially in the familiar environment, distractions often arise because stress is omnipresent.
To still take time for yourself, a sensual massage can help.
For men in Berlin, I offer professional Tantra massages in my studio near Charlottenburg.
These help you to remove yourself from pressure, physical as well as
psychological stress, and instead get very close to yourself.
With me you can let yourself go and detach yourself from expectations.
Tantra massage is about allowing energies to flow through your body, allowing you
to feel it in its entirety in a completely new and intense way.
It is an energetic touch ritual that honors the body - from head to toes.
Your outer appearance does not play a role here, it is about noticing
and appreciating every single part of your body.
Body and mind form a unity, barriers are lifted and emotional blockages are dissolved.
Thus, the Tantra massages that I offer in my Berlin studio for men, offer the opportunity
to be mindful with yourself and to recharge your batteries and energy for everyday life.
Feel free to check here if you want to learn more about Tantra.
Mindfulness, mutual respect and trust are just some of the characteristics
that distinguish the tantra massages for men in my studio in Berlin.
I want you to feel comfortable and secure at all times, because only then
can the massage actually unfold its effect.
Embark on a journey to yourself and feel yourself as you have never done before.
In this way you can get to know and appreciate yourself in a new way, which will
enrich your life quality in the long term.
Let's get to know each other!

Questions and answers about tantra massage for men
Whether in Berlin or elsewhere, many people have heard of Tantra.
But what it actually means, only a few know.
Often, the massage practice is only known in a sexual context. As a result, there is a certain shyness to deal with the subject in more detail or even to get involved in a tantric massage.
But that tantra and sex are necessarily connected is a misinterpretation. On this page I would like to go into more detail and also answer the most important questions about tantric massage for men.
I look forward to welcoming you soon in my Berlin practice!
If your questions are not answered here, please feel free to contact me daily from 8am to 8pm. I will gladly take the time to explain the tantric teachings to you in more detail and to clear up all your doubts. I firmly believe that Tantra can help us to bring body and mind into harmony and I look forward to giving you this experience as well. Click here to contact me directly.
What is the difference between a classic massage and a Tantra massage?
Tantra massages for men and women, not only in my Berlin studio, do not aim at therapeutic effects such as muscle relaxation or the support of regeneration processes.
Instead, the focus is on emotional blockages and sexual energies. However, this does not diminish their beneficial effect on both the body and the mind.
Massages have been used as a proven remedy for thousands of years. However, it does not have to be explicitly about physical healing effects. A good massage not only touches the body, but also the soul. And even if "only" the soul is pampered by skillful hand movements, one can speak of a healing effect.
A massage according to tantric teachings is a ritual art of touch, in which energies flow through the body from the inside through external, sensual and respectful touches.
Thus, you will experience not only a physical effect, but also an emotional and energetic one.
According to the basic understanding of the tantric teachings, the massage that I offer in my Berlin studio for men is also done unclothed.
To create a feeling of equality and respect, the disturbing barrier of clothing is removed. This also differs from classic massages, where only the guest is naked and the masseur or masseuse is fully clothed.
How is the tantric massage specifically for men?
In my tantric practice in Berlin, the tantra massage does not begin on the futon, but well before. Because only in a trusting, relaxed and respectful atmosphere can the Tantra massage unfold its sensual effect to the fullest.
In order to create this atmosphere, I invite you to a short preliminary talk upon your arrival, where we can get to know each other a little.
Here I will be happy to answer all your questions, and we will discuss any concerns as well as your wishes and ideas. Only when you are really sure and feel ready, the actual massage begins.
I start with a gentle hand massage and use different techniques - from strong to soft and sensual.
According to the tantric teachings, I give equal attention and appreciation to each part of the body. This means that the intimate area is also included.
This is called the lingam massage. It is an important part of the Tantra massages for men with me in Berlin. Lingam is the tantric term for the male genitalia.
Especially for this sensitive part of the body, there are numerous grip techniques in the tantric teachings, through which energy is distributed throughout the body. Let me know in advance if you do not want to be touched in a certain place. Of course I will take this into account during the massage.
For most men, the Tantra massage in my Berlin studio is a very intense and also emotional experience. It is important to process this in order to get the full effect. Therefore, I give you time for yourself after the massage, so that you can come to rest and let the experience work on you.
Tantra massages and sex
How are Tantra massages and sex related? This is probably one of the most common questions I get asked again and again. This is mainly because many people only know Tantra in a sexual context.
It is especially important to me that no misunderstandings arise here. Therefore, I would like to go into more detail at this point:
The Tantra massage for men in my Berlin Tantra studio does not have the intention to bring an orgasm.
I do not offer sexual services, but would like to help you intensively feel your body as a whole and perceive it through new ways. Every part of the body is considered equal in the teachings of Tantra and therefore receives equal attention during Tantra massage. This includes the little finger as well as the genitals.
Therefore, many of my guests experience the visit with me as a sexual experience, but this is not the primary goal. If you come to climax on this intense journey of perception, of course, you are very welcome to enjoy it.
Why is the Tantra massage especially for men in Berlin a valuable experience?
Not only women, but also men are nowadays still confronted with conservative role models. Relaxation, coming to rest and inner well-being are often considered unnecessary for them, and the pursuit of it as little masculine.
Working tirelessly, "making ends meet", showing no weakness - many men still see themselves exposed to all these demands, even if subconsciously. Physical tension, but above all mental bias and restlessness are often the result.
This is exactly where I come in with my Tantra massage for men. In my studio in Berlin, I help you to reunite your body and mind, to find more peace and serenity and to release emotional and physical blockages.
In addition, men are also often confronted with external ideals of beauty - in magazines and on advertising posters, well-trained, supposed dream bodies convey that such an appearance is the key to happiness and success.
Thus, it also often happens with men that they become alienated from their own bodies and instead of self-confidence and self-love, shame and discomfort take their place. During a Tantra massage especially for men I offer you in Berlin the opportunity to rediscover yourself and your body and learn to love it.
Because that is the basic idea of Tantra: to celebrate and appreciate the body with all its oddities. After all, it does great things for us every day. Through Tantra massage, the loving, appreciative relationship to the body and the self can be strengthened, which can have a positive effect on all areas of life.
Your appearance does not matter, just get involved and be curious about the effect Tantra has on you. If you are still unsure whether my massages are right for you, do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be happy to give you more information and discuss your concerns with you.
Click here to go directly to the contact page.
Summary: What effects can a Tantra massage have?
The Tantra massages for men in my Berlin studio are primarily designed to help you (re)harmonize your body and mind. They support you in getting to know and love yourself better by releasing both physical and mental blockages. More peace, relaxation and inner satisfaction are the result.
This results in many positive effects, which I would like to introduce to you:
Release of inhibitions and tensions
Access to more sensuality
Improvement of the body sensation
Stimulation of the energy flow
Rediscovery and strengthening of self-esteem
Increase of libido
Improvement of sex life
Conscious perception of body and mind
More questions about Tantra Massage?
On this page I have tried to take away your worries and fears about a Tantra massage as well as to answer your questions.
Maybe you want to make an appointment with me right now, or maybe you need more information before you can make a decision.
In both cases - and of course otherwise - you can contact me daily from 8am to 8pm. You can reach me by phone at 016296 39 792, by mail at an-yue@web.de or comfortably via my online form.
I look forward to hearing from you!