Tantra in Berlin-Mitte near Charlottenburg
What actually is Tantra? A question that I, as a Tantra practitioner with my own studio
in Berlin-Mitte not far from Charlottenburg, often get asked.
Tantra is a term most people know - but very few know what exactly is behind it and associate tantra massages with numerous prejudices. Because Tantra is misunderstood again and again.
I would like to counter this circumstance with answers about Tantra that are as comprehensive as possible. Nevertheless, each massage is of course a very individual experience that puts the recipient
in a deep state of relaxation and is felt differently by everyone.
Those who engage in a tantric experience with me can find a new access to themselves
and rediscover their own emotional world. I massage in a very unusual,
very meditative and delicate, non-intentional way, very slowly and with a lot of pausing in between.
If you come to me with fixed expectations of what a "real tantric massage" looks like
and how you want to be massaged, you are not in the right place with me.
My strength is to accompany my guests lovingly, with a lot of inner peace
and clearly aligned in a judgment-free inner space of pure being - this works best
when you surrender to my gentle guidance without reservation :-).
Also the erotic aspect is not in the foreground, but arises incidentally
all by itself from the interaction of our energies - sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.
I do not "do" anything that is intended to trigger sexual excitement.
Now I would like to point out a few delicate issues regarding personal body hygiene,
the observance of which will make our encounter even more beautiful and free:
Please pay attention to fresh breath, a good natural deodorant, carefully washed feet and anus ;-)!
And please refrain from using strong artificial fragrances when you come to me.
Your age, looks and bodyweight don´t matter at all :-)!!!
Here you will find answers to your questions. You want to clarify your personal questions or make an appointment in my tantra studio in Berlin-Mitte? Feel free to write me an email at
an-yue@web.de or call me at 0162 9639792.

Questions and answers about Tantra
What is Tantra?
The term Tantra comes from Sanskrit and refers to a spiritual path that has developed over the millennia from the Indian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism.
At the heart of Tantra is the principle of accepting the human being in its entirety - which dissolves the separation between body and mind, good and evil, spirituality and sexuality that prevails in numerous traditions of thought.
For you as a visitor in my Tantra studio in Berlin-Mitte and near Charlottenburg, this means a liberation from the common societal tension between what is honored as sacred and what is condemned as sinful.
Unlike in other spiritual currents, in tantric practice the body is therefore not to be overcome, but to be enlightened. It is the "temple of God." Tantrics believe that sexual energies help to support and advance the spiritual process.
This epistemology is taken into account in tantric massage. Above all, mindfulness and respectful interaction as well as trust play a central role here.
What is a Tantra massage?
Tantric massage originates from the tantric tradition and celebrates the body as a temple. All parts of the body, including the genitals, are equally revered and are included in the massage accordingly.
The massage puts you in a state of deep relaxation and offers the opportunity to encounter your own body in a perhaps previously unknown way and to let yourself go.
One of the important basic ideas of Tantra massage is the lack of intention. I have no expectations of you and accept you as you are. We get very close, but no "private" relationship develops between us.
Since the massages are received naked, they are correspondingly given naked. Here, the aspect of a non-judgmental attitude and acceptance towards everyone is of particular importance: gender, body weight and appearance play absolutely no role in the Tantra massage. Because we meet each other in my Tantra studio in Berlin-Mitte, not far from Charlottenburg, at eye level, free from shame and prejudice and lewdness.
In the natural state of being naked, we can experience the massage together - me as the giver and you as the receiver - unconditionally and without prejudice.
Also and just because of this unconditionality and intentionlessness a Tantra massage can prove to be positive for the self-esteem and body-feeling as well as for the sexual sensation.
Do I need any previous experience or knowledge?
Tantra massage is about experiencing your own body, so no prior experience is necessary. As an experienced tantra practitioner, I will guide you through the entire ritual. Of course I will respect your personal boundaries.
For the first massage I recommend a duration of 1.5 to 2 hours. You can also prepare yourself for the Tantra massage by not coming directly from the stress of everyday life to your appointment in my studio in Berlin-Mitte near Charlottenburg.
If you allow yourself some time to calm down beforehand, you will be able to focus on yourself and the experiences you are having with your body during the massage that follows.
What is the procedure of a Tantra massage?
Each massage is introduced in a relaxed way with a welcoming ritual, which allows you to arrive completely at peace and build trust. Here, face to face, you can tell me your wishes and, if applicable, concerns about Tantra. After the welcome and the detailed preliminary talk, the actual massage begins in my studio in Berlin-Mitte near Charlottenburg.
The Tantra massage always follows a set ritual sequence. Starting with a gentle hand massage, the entire body is gradually touched, from head to toes, front (yin side) and back (yang side). This holistic massage also includes a yoni or lingam massage (the female and male genitals). The interplay of gentle touches and strong, stimulating massage techniques makes the Tantra massage a sensual experience.
Thus, every massage is always a journey to yourself. Therefore, after the massage is finished, you will have a few moments for yourself to integrate what you have experienced.
Can I have an orgasm?
Yes, of course. However, one of the basic ideas of tantric massage is that the touches are done without intention - so there is no purposeful sexual stimulation.
This commandment of non-intentionality also includes you as the recipient: It is recommended that you do not have a predefined goal in mind during the massage, such as an orgasm or an erection, but rather to feel the sensations that the touch triggers in you, free of expectations. Not at least because it can become more difficult to experience an orgasm, the more you fixate on this as a goal.
For this reason, the Tantra massage in my studio in Berlin-Mitte, not far from Charlottenburg, rather focuses on relaxation and well-being. However, an intense experience is not uncommon during the tantric ritual. All feelings that show themselves during the massage should be allowed.
How much time should I plan for?
The Tantra massage itself takes at least one and a half hours. Since a relaxed arrival with a preliminary talk as well as the follow-up talk are also important, you should plan an additional half hour.
Are spontaneous Tantra appointments possible?
The main times when I give massages in my studio in Berlin-Mitte, not far from Charlottenburg, are
Tuesday - Friday. However, appointments can also sometimes be made on other days by arrangement.
Appointments can be made either by mail or via the contact form or directly by phone.
Where do the Tantra massages take place?
I do not offer home and hotel visits, as I much prefer to work in my beautifully furnished private studio in Berlin-Mitte, which is conveniently located in the government district near the main train station and near Charlottenburg.
I will let you know the address when you make an appointment.
What do I need to bring to the massage?
There is a bathroom in my studio to use before and after the massage. Towels, lunghi (a light cloth that we both wear around the body in the beginning), body care products and hairdryer are ready for you, so you don't have to think about anything else.
Who will massage me?
I was born in 1969, am a psychologist, happily married for over 20 years, and mother of two wonderful daughters. In 2007 I completed a tantra year training at the tantra institute SOT (Secret of Tantra), led by good friends of mine, and in 2012 I learned the tantra massage ritual I practice in the basic course "Tantra-Ritual-Massage" by Nhanga Grunow.
I have been living in a tantric influenced community near Bad Belzig in Brandenburg near Berlin for 14 years and massaging in my studio in Berlin-Mitte near Charlottenburg since 2013.
While you are guided through the entire massage ritual, you are in a passive role. This offers you the opportunity to get to know your body free of expectations in a completely new way.
The massage is not an invitation to sexual intercourse or other sexual acts!
However, once we get to know each other better and trust each other, there is the possibility of a mindful mutual massage.